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Northwest Academic Anchor

Summer 2022 • courtesy the School Liaison • (Email: 

An Easier Move for Military Children

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The summer PCS season is here. Moving to a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming for adults and children alike. Planning helps ensure there will be plenty of time for transition and adjustment for your child and connecting with friends, family and your military community can help ease the stress of uncertainty. Military OneSource offers a variety of resources and assistance to help make your next move a smooth one for the entire family. 

Military One Source also has great tips for preparing your children for a PCS:

Making the Move Easier for Military Kids

Checklist for Transferring Students

Summer Reading Tips for Families

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Summer days offer time to focus on play, creativity, and family fun. Incorporating reading time throughout the summer will also help children better maintain skills they have worked on during the school year. Here are tips for families to keep kids engaged in reading.

  • Check your child's reading level
  • Follow your child's lead
  • Pull words from the page
  • Make reading part of everday activities
  • Understand reading milestones

Learn More ⇒

Homeschooling a High School Student

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The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is offering an Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program [E2P2] to military-dependent high school students without access to DoDEA brick-and-mortar schools, the ability to take up to two online courses through the DoDEA Virtual High School. These courses must be used towards graduation requirements.

Visit the website: Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program | DoDEA Virtual School | DoDEA for more information and available classes. If you are interested in applying, please contact the School Liaison.

For information regarding homeschooling in Washington State, visit: Homeschooling 101 - Washington Homeschool Organization ( and Home-Based Instruction | OSPI (

MIC3 FAQ for Parents

The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children was developed jointly by The Council of State Governments’ National Center for Interstate Compacts and the U.S. Department of Defense, with input from policy experts, national associations, teachers, school administrators, military families, and federal, state, and local officials. The Compact eases interstate education transition challenges encountered by the children of active-duty service members such as enrollment, eligibility, placement and graduation. On average, military students will attend six to nine different school systems from kindergarten to 12th grade.

The Compact is administered by the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3). School liaisons use the Compact to support military-connected students during education transitions. To learn more about MIC3 and the Compact watch this short video and read the Parent FAQ.

Download Guide ⇒

Post-9/11 GI Bill® Benefits

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If you are considering transferring your GI Bill benefits to a dependent, or you are a dependent who has received transferred benefits, these five points will help you better understand how to use them:

  1. The transferer of benefits must have completed 10 years of service before the recipient can begin to use benefits.
  2. The recipient of transferred benefits may use them while the transferer still serves on active duty or after separation.
  3. The recipient may not use these benefits until they have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate AND have reached age 18.
  4. The recipient can receive housing even if the transferer(s) is (are) serving on active duty.
  5. The recipient must use these benefits before they turn 26 years of age.

Read More ⇒

Military Child Education Coalition Parent Programs

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The Military Child Education Coalition announces a series of Parent Education Webinars for military-connected parents and professionals who work in support of military-connected children.These webinars are open to all interested participants and offer research-based information and ideas for participants.

Mark your calendars and register for the webinar that fits your needs. Once you’ve registered, you will be able to view the live webinar or watch a recorded presentation after the recording is processed.

Webinar topics:

  • July 12 – Staying Connected When Seperated from Your Service Member
  • July 13 – Navigation a Military Move with Special Education Needs
  • July 19 – Goal Setting for Military Children
  • July 20 – Growing Great Readers
  • July 26 – College Application Process


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Moves can be stressful. We’ve gathered some important information for you to ease the transition.


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