Navy CYP Youth Sponsorship Program

The Navy Child and Youth Programs Youth Sponsorship Program provides youth sponsors to incoming military youth to help them get acclimated and feel connected with other youth already at the installation and/or school and more!
Navy’s Youth Sponsorship Program consists of three key components:
- Outreach: Identifying incoming youth and providing them with information and social opportunities prior to arrival at new installation.
- Newcomer Orientation: Providing information and materials on services and programs available on the installation and local community.
- Peer to Peer: Connecting Navy youth currently attached to the installation with incoming youth while providing social activities and outings.
The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Military Kids NOW 2020 survey identified several social-emotional concerns of military-connected students who regularly transition schools. The top 3 concerns reported by military children included: the challenge of making friends in a new school, difficulties feeling accepted and fitting in with a new school and its culture and finding ways to build self-confidence. When not properly addressed, these concerns can lead to increased risk for isolation, depression and loneliness. For these reasons, the Navy feels it is critical that military youth have access to free, positive peer groups and pro-social activities.
If interested in connecting your child with a local youth sponsor, contact your installation’s School Liaison or Youth Center to receive a Youth Sponsor Request form. If you’re already at an installation and would like to be a Youth Sponsor, contact your installation’s School Liaison or Youth Center to learn more details and receive an application.
Download to read more

Is your family moving before the end of the school year? NRNW families are invited to join a webinar for any family who will be transitioning to a new installation before the end of the 2020-21 school year. Webinar is hosted by NASWI CYES School Liaison.
The webinar will cover topics such as:
- Challenges that accompany transitioning schools in the middle of the school year
- Tips and resources to address academic and social and emotional challenges
- Documents and information to gather prior to departure
- Ideas on getting students connected at their new school and community
Families can attend on the following dates/times:
- Wednesday, Feb. 24 | 10-11 a.m.
- Wednesday, March 17 | 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 14 | 10-11 a.m.
- Wednesday, May 5 | 5:30-6:30pm
Attend a Webinar (
Specialized Training for Military Parents

Navy CYP and CYES has partnered with PAVE to provide a virtual STOMP workshop for Navy Region Northwest. The workshop will consist of four sessions on February 10, 11, 17 and 18.
You will...
- Get information on your educational rights as a parent of a child with a disability
- Learn what services are available to you through your TRICARE, ECHO, ABA benefits
- Learn about your local and community resources
- Have the opportunity to share solutions, ideas, and connect with other parents
- Parents Rights (IDEA, IFSP, IEP, IEP Teams) | Wednesday, Feb. 10
- IEP: Writing SMART Goals | Thursday, Feb. 11 | 4-6 p.m.
- 504/Transition Planning and Financial Planning | Wednesday, Feb. 17
- TRICARE, ECHO, ABA, Medicaid | Thursday, Feb. 18
Learn more online
Register Now (
407-419-1559 for registration questions
"New Math" Help for Parents

Are you needing a catch-up session on "new math"? has recorded webinars to help adults who are assisting children with math. This 3-part series includes the topics: Intro to Common Core Math; What Happened to Carrying and Borrowing?; and, That's Not How You Multiply! Watch the webinars on their YouTube channel.
All DoD service members, civilian personnel, and all dependent family members (kindergarten-college/adult) are eligible for services at no cost.Visit to get started.
Military Child Education Coalition Parent Programs

The Military Child Education Coalition announces a series of Parent Education Webinars for military-connected parents and professionals who work in support of military-connected children.These webinars are open to all interested participants and offer research-based information and ideas for participants.
Mark your calendars and register for the webinar that fits your needs. Once you’ve registered, you will be able to view the live webinar or watch a recorded presentation after the recording is processed.
Webinar topics:
- Healthy Screen Time Habits
- Time Management for Elementary School Students
- Time Management for Middle School and High School
- Math Activities at Home for Elementary Students
- Fostering a Love of Learning
- Strategies for Reluctant Readers and Children with Reading Difficulties
- Reading in Middle School

Tap or scan with your phone
Visit and click on the webinar topic to register.
Deployment Support for Children

Deployment is a regular part of military life. It is important for parents to understand how to support their children during a family member’s deployment. Michigan State University Extension has information on behavioral changes children may experience and ways to support them during deployment.
Parenting During Deployment: Children Ages 6-11
Parenting During Deployment: Children Ages 12-18
For further support, Fleet and Family Support Center has child counselors available. Call 866-854-0638 for more information.
You can also connect with a Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC) if available in your school district.
Central Kitsap schools with MFLCs
FAFSA and Scholarships Season

Do you have a high school senior preparing for a post-secondary education? Now is the time to start gathering the information and financial records required to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is the gateway to financial aid at any post-secondary school; community colleges, trade schools, private universities and state colleges or universities. Visit the Washington Achievement Councils FAFSA page for more information. Ready to apply? Visit to get started.
All scholarship application windows are either open now or will be by the end of January. This is great time for students prepare their applications and gather required documents. School Liaisons have a list of military and military dependent scholarship opportunities available.
View Scholarship Opportunities online
Updated Email Address
Our email address has changed. We want to ensure you can connect with us when you need, so please update our contact information in case you need to reach us:
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