Naval Hospital MWR Fitness Center


Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
- Military ID (includes active duty, retiree, and reservists)
- Active Duty Family Member ID
- CAC card that identifies the eligibility of the patron, i.e. DoD Civilian or DOD Contractor
- BAVR badges are not acceptable

A Fitness Center is located adjacent to Naval Hospital Bremerton. Fitness staff on-site to provide limited services.

Take advantage of our free personal strength and weight training program for active duty and dependents. The program includes a fitness and cardio assessment, strength training and evaluation.

Youth Policy

Youth must be 15 years old to utilize the fitness center unaccompanied. Those 10 to 14 years of age must attend a youth orientation session with a trainer to obtain a youth fitness card. This card allows the under-age user to work out in the fitness center while accompanied (supervised) by an adult. Youth cards are issued at the trainer's discretion.

To schedule an appointment for a youth fitness orientation session, call 360-315-2134 (Bangor) / 360-476-2231 (Bremerton) or email