Period of PURPLE Crying

Period of PURPLE Crying December 1- January 31

PURPLE crying is normal infant crying

Infants between two weeks and three months enter a phase known as the "Period of PURPLE Crying".  Crying from 35 minutes or up to 5 hours is within the normal range. This is the span of time where the highest rates of non-accidental infant injury occur.

Here is what to expect:
     Peak - Your baby will cry the most in the first couple of months.
     Unexpected - The crying can come and go and you may not know why.
     Resists soothing - Your baby may keep crying no matter what you do.
     Pain - Your baby may seem to be in pain, even when they are not.
     Long-lasting - The crying may last for 5 hours a day or more.
     Evening - Your baby may cry more in the late afternoon or evening.


Do all babies cry?
     • Yes. Healthy babies can cry a lot in their first live months of life.

How can I soothe my baby?
     • Hold your baby close to you with skin-to-skin contact.
     • Rock and sing to your baby.
     • Give your baby a warm bath.
     • Take your baby outside for a walk.
     • Check to see if your baby is hungry or needs changing.

Does soothing always work?
     • No.  Soothing won't always stop your baby's crying.

If you are feeling frustrated:
     • Put your baby in a safe place and walk away.
     • Take a few minutes to calm down and then go back and check on your baby.
     • Reach out to a trusted family member or friend for support.
     • Never shake your baby.

For Dads:
     Some fathers want to "fix" problems. Reading an instruction and then successfully repair will not work with babies. It is important to recognize you cannot "fix" this baby. Understanding your baby's normal developmental stages is the first step in making progress.

What can I do?
     Talk with the New Parent Support team about the Period of PURPLE Crying program to understand why your baby cries and how to comfort them.


In-person support is available. Call the Fleet & Family New Parent Support Home Visitation Program at 360-396-4115 or 886-854-0638. For more information on New Parent Support visit here. 

In partnership with Seattle Children's Hospital. 



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