New Spouse

Are you newly married or new to the Navy? Congratulations, and welcome aboard! 

The Navy has its own language, traditions, and customs. Everything can seem so different! How are you supposed to understand? Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) are an invaluable resource for your new Navy adventure. Learn the basics of Navy life and how to thrive as a military spouse! Explore the military lifestyle and many resources available to military families. You can attend a workshop and meet other new Navy spouses, gather informational materials, get help finding a job, volunteer opportunities, or learn about educational opportunities.

You are setting forth on an exciting journey as a member of the Navy Family. We hope to connect you to fellow service-member families and help you learn, grow, and succeed together. FFSC hosts a "Spouse INDOC," an overview of the military organization, benefits, available resources, emotional and financial realities of military life, and tips for preparing for family readiness and resilience! 

FFSC can also help connect you to your duty station Ombudsman. The Ombudsman communicates on behalf of the command to give timely information through social media posts, care-line/info-lines, telephone trees, and e-mails.

Visit your FFSC or call the centralized scheduling team at 866-854-0638 for more information.